SuperHack Mentoring

Unimelb - MUEEC event

SuperHack is an annual high-school engineering hackathon for young women hosted by the Melbourne University Electrical Engineering Club, MUEEC.

Every year, girls are invited from schools across Victoria to compete in teams to solve engineering design challenges based on a real industry problem. The goal? This years teams were to use their creativity in building and designing an autonomous robot in 2 days from scratch for Melon Usk. (Lol)

Being an engineer is all about creative invention and problem-solving. However, oftentimes we can feel discouraged from engineering due to its reputation of being too abstract or gendered.

This is my way of passing it forward, from all the people that have helped me get to where I am.

I now present to you............. Poedicia!

Poedicia <3

The myth....the legend.....

This bad boy was an arduino based rover with a 2 DV motors that could follow a black line using differential steering while using an RBG sensor to sort out the objects in front of it, pushing it to the left for green and the right for orange.

The idea was that this could be some sort of portable package sorting system in a factory.

lightning icon Poedicia

My team!

Suzanne Cory Highschool

They were amazing kids!

A bit phased at first having to learn electrical circuitry, C/C++ and a bit of physics all in one go but the fact they made it made me so proud! *sniff*

I can only hope I inspired someone to not give up on STEM.

team icon my team